Leading DSG & Engine specialists

since 2005


About TVS

Since 2005 TVS Engineering is the pioneer in DSG and Engine Software, Hardware, Diagnostics, Repairs and Parts.

20+ employees

100+ dealer and subdealers worldwide

3.000+ DSG diagnostics per year

2.000+ DSG repairs per year

2.000+ ECU & TCU software tunes per year

1.000+ gearboxes, mechatronics and clutches on stock!

/ All activities in-house

Company profile

Since 2005 TVS Engineering / DSG Dokter is the pioneer in DSG and engine diagnostics, repairs, software and hardware developments. Over the years we performed thousands of diagnostics, repairs, software optimizations and hardware upgrades worldwide. What makes TVS really unique is that we cover all required capabilities for being a true specialist and perform all activities in-house:



Parts supply

Tuning hardware


TVS / DSG Dokter showroom

Ready while you wait

During most appointments you can wait at TVS Engineering / DSG Dokter headquarter while we carry out the requested job on your vehicle, like an extensive vehicle diagnosis, oil change, minor repairs or chiptuning and DSG software optimizations. In our comfortable waiting room you can use free WiFi, food and drinks. Of course it is also possible to have a look during the work performed by TVS technicians.

/ Exclusive services

'Pick-up & delivery' service

On major repairs such as the replacement of a DSG clutch, mechatronic or gearbox can often not be waited for. We recommend you to make a repair appointment and bring your vehicle in. However, TVS understands that it is not possible for everyone to visit our headquarters on a weekday. Hence it is often possible to make an appointment on Saturday or to bring your vehicle during the weekend.

For those who are not able to visit us, TVS Engineering / DSG Dokter offers a car ‘pick-up & delivery’ service. Our drivers will pick up your vehicle and deliver it again after the work has been performed. If your vehicle does not drive anymore we can arrange transport as well. Please contact us for the possibilities.

Exclusive services

Rental cars

TVS Engineering / DSG Dokter also offers a solution for customers who have to continue their daily activities but do not have transport. We have several rental cars in different vehicle classes. From manual to DSG and from two-door to convertible cars.

Please contact us for the possibilities.