Unleash Your Drive
Auto Services:Wheels
Auto Repairs
ECU/TCU Tuning
Brake Upgrades
Periodic Servicing
Clutch Overhaul
Denting & Painting
Transmission Overhaul
AC Servicing

/ who we are
Hello Petrolheads!
We’re the oldest performance service in the game, with over 20 years of experience of elevating your ride to something exceptional entirely. We are the single-touch point to over 50+ global partners, working in advancing your cars game. Brands such as Eibach, Borla, Amsoil and Forge are leaders in their field, being an integral part of international racing such as F1, NASCAR, Le Mans and IndyCar.
/ why choose us
One Stop Solution for Your Car
– Engine service includes regular vehicle service like engine oil, transmission oil, complete engine overhaul, filters.
Brands – Amsoil, K&N, BMC, Racingline, ITG, Mahle, Mann.

what we offer
All Sorts of Car Performance and Repair Services

The Brands That We Deal With

K+ Autopsyched Customers
M+ Vehicles Autopsyched
+ years of experience
What People Say

Tanuj Khandelwal
Octavia 1.4 TSIAutoPsyche is a one stop shop for enthusiasts, Best and first in the game in Delhi-NCR. Readily available stock and reliable service personnel.
Completely digging the front vrs bumper look and the paint quality!

Aditi Kumar
Octavia 1.4 TSIAutoPsyche is a one stop shop for enthusiasts, Best and first in the game in Delhi-NCR. Readily available stock and reliable service personnel.
Completely digging the front vrs bumper look and the paint quality!

Varun vijay singh
First time getting my car upgraded, and the only bad part of the ordeal is that i didn't discover them earlier. I spent months researching what to do to my car and where and they made it a breeze. Super honest, super chill place to just figure your car nuances out.

Vismit Sinha
VW VENTOThe best place to go for tune ups and regular maintenance
Thank you Autopsyche for all the suggestions and putting in parts for the best use for my car

Nipun gupta
AUDI Q3Great place for alll your car needs. Recently got my Audi Q3 serviced. The staff is so much cooperative. Never experienced anything better than Autopsyche. . I was running short of time, they performed the job quickly and perfectly and gave my car on time.

Aman tokas
Skoda RapidGot my son’s car remapped. Sarika and Gagan both know what they talk about. I had a butter smooth experience overall. The work was done in time and they were punctual. All the technicians working there are highly professional.

Aditya atri
Skoda RapidVery professional experience. Performed the service on time and used all the prescribed tools to perform the service.
Do visit once and your perception about the service will change.

Nikhil indrasenan
OCTAVIA RS 245Went back for an upgrade and got the TVS Stage 2 ECU remap for my 245. I am happy with the map and have always found Autopsyche responsive, courteous and accountable for the work they do.

Aman Sharma
Autopsyche is the one stop shop for body shop tweaks to performance upgrades as well as getting regular maintenance work done. Personally, there hasn’t been a problem they haven’t been able to fix. I highly recommend this garage.

Rahul Pareenja
AUDI Q5Absolutely love their work!! Took less than 30 mins to upgrade my legacy Q5 from a low power stock to a zippy Stage 1 upgrade and immediately improved driving and handling dynamics!!

Rahul Trehan
Octavia 1.8 tsiBest in business. I have been a customer since 2005

Ayshwaria Chatlia
Skoda octaviaWell pleased with the overall suspension work done... going on very well. There is huge difference after the entire car service ..... the car is now running very smooth.... Thanks Team Autopsyche for doing the wonderful job.